So get this, Elder Roney and I are a lot alike. We both hate living dirty, we both really like country music, and we are both white. Makes for a dangerous duo for Satan here in Comite del Pueblo.
This week we were able to have a baptism too! His name is Johnnynson and he asked me to baptize him when I had barely known him for a day. It was really cold water but a great experience. He has a super strong testimony :)
Thats about all for the week. Have a great Christmas! Great job on the Eagle Dyl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elder Lomeli
Happy Bday Elder Roney!
Christmas Dinner selfie game
I couldnt resist. Name is Jazzy :)
Padre e Hijo
Frat Bus Missionary Edition
Thank you for this detailed article. It's a very useful information.