"Elder: Hermana ___________, will you follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized?
Hermana: Is that the answer you got?
Elder: Yeah.....
Hermana: Look, youre great guys, and spending time together to learn this stuff has been wonderful, but as far as a baptism is concerned, I havent gotten the same answer.
Elder: Who have you been praying to?
Hermana: Im kidding, of course Ill get baptized!"
Well, if you cant find out by this little quote, we got some people headin to the waters of baptism! Jessica is 18 and this Sunday we did a tour of the chapel with her. We left her to pray in the sacrament room, and she was in there for about 15 minutes. When we went in, she said that she had been done praying for about 10 minutes and started to cry. She recieved an answer that the church is true and is preparing herself to be baptized the 27th of February. The other investigator is Melissa who is 20. She just moved in from another ward and was taking the missionary lessons there. She is super prepared and determined to be baptized. She is also preparing herself for the 27th of February.
We have also started up again this faith in February thing. This year I have chosen to sacrifice something very important to me: sleep. I have chosen to sacrifice 1 hour of sleep and use that hour as an additional personal study hour. So this year, we hope to see lots of miracles in March, becuase last year there werent that many baptisms or rescues. Itll change :)
Right now in all South America is the holiday CARNAVAL. Its pretty much a three day long water, oil, flour, dirt, paint fight. So we need to be in our house unless we have set appointments, but we still get our share on the fun. We may or may not have dumped a bucket of water on some teenage boys walking home from school. But.....we missed. Epic fail. Oh and I also learned the hard way this week why we should always bring our own toilet paper in our bags. No Hermana, Im not going to us leaves you took out of the forest in front of your house.
The Elder Holland countdown is at 9 days!
I learned this week that in Chile the word for plunger is "sopapo". The Elder said its just cuz of the sound it makes. So true.
Elder Lomeli
Just ONE of the many massive hills in our sector
We make bus drivers mad and pay with 25 pennies 😏
Really informative and well written article,they are indeed great sources. Thank you.